Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Birthday Girl

Our little girl turned 6 in August.
Every year that goes by I feel a little sad that a part of her is slipping
away, but excited for what she has ahead and who she is becoming.
She has quite the personality.
I love the things she says and comes up with.
She is so fun, sweet and sincere yet so feisty and stubborn
at the same time.
She is a girl after all. You never know what her mood will bring.
Birthday streamers.
Her tongue has always stuck out like this when she sleeps,
is in deep thought or concentrating.
I think it is so cute.
My attempt at her royal cake.
(I didn't realize I was missing some important tools I needed oops)
Her biggest pressent....
She actually got her bike exactly a month early.
I am so glad we did that for her because we had so much fun in that
month as a family riding bikes together.
I love you baby girl!

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I am a SAHM with my three wonderful children. It's really a lot harder than I ever imagined but, I love being with them, learning, and growing from and with them.