Thursday, November 20, 2008

These Fallen Leave's Brought Us Together

It's amazing to think that something so little (which is really a huge chore) can be used as an opportunity. Such as a neighborhood get together. 
Have I ever said that I really like our neighborhood? 
Everyone is generally so friendly, and welcoming to everyone around them.
Wednesday night was no exception.
Our neighbors Pete and Anita finished raking their leaves and invited everyone over for hot dogs and s'mores while they burned away. What a great idea!
about half of the neighborhood kids
they all played so hard, Brandon started the theme of play for the night.
He had on his back pack dark glasses and some plastic sticks for tools.
Watching in amazement as the bright flames crackle and burn while feeling the warmth from the fire.
Hayden helping once again.
He first picked up a stick to help rake.
Then, when handed an actual rake he kept on going until he was told to stop. 
What a hard worker!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Don't step away for a second!

What is a normal day for us? Well, at some point it usually includes something like this:
Hayden completely covered in something. 
Here his hair and hands and face are covered in soap, and that is a streak of lipstick on his head. At least it made for easy clean up, besides keeping it out of the eyes.
The other picture is of dry erase marker, this was one of about 3 times he covered himself in it. I didn't even get a picture of the nice spiral circles he drew on his tummy. It was lovely.
This usually happens because I have to step away to fix dinner, take the time to go to the bathroom, or just run into another room maybe for only 60 seconds. He then disappears and has some fun. 
I can not believe I don't have more pictures. I do have one missing I know I have of Blue marker all over the bathroom wall and door.
Some of the other things may include But are not limited to: Vaseline
, Mom's foundation, globs and globs of mouse and hair gel, Butt paste, lotion, and if he is outside, dirt, mud or sand. Those are probably the top of the list. 
There are many times I did not get pictures to my regret. The latest happening actually occurred while we were all still asleep early in the morning. He found a cover girl outlast lip gloss and put it right across his eye brows. That stuff does not come off!! It was Sunday morning before church.  Nothing worked. eye makeup remover, I tried Vaseline that did a little bit. I finally went to my neighbors house who came up with the idea of using Redken Glass smoothing serum.
Stuff you use on your hair? But, It worked! It came right off. No trace left. Amazing. So... I guess if you want to fork out $15 for a 2 oz. bottle or so it can be doubled as a face
cleaner. A little goes a long way. I wonder how it would work on fabric? 
A good little mom trick. You have to get creative sometimes when 
it comes to cleaning of little children.
Here is a great example of being sneaky right in front of me! I was just on the other side of the door as he was asking for something to eat. I did not hear him get up there in the 30 seconds it took. He just started asking for help.
He keeps us on our toes. 
At least I know he is not the only kid out there like this. I am afraid there could be worse. I feel sorry for that mom that I do know of. :) 
These are perfect examples of times he asks my feelings about what had happened and it goes like this every time in a very questioning voice....
"Funny? Angry? Happy? Sad?"
I love to see that he is so in tune to feelings and wants to know how I feel. Although a lot of times in the end he tells me "Funny!" With a nod of his head for approval.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Halloween 2008

I was able to help out with Alyssa's school party.
It was fun to be there with all of the kids and to take Hayden with.
(I know it is hard to see what I typed under these pictures, 
if you click on the photo into a new window it should be easier)
Finally a few pictures from Halloween. 
you can go here  also to see the album.  

What we believe

About Me

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I am a SAHM with my three wonderful children. It's really a lot harder than I ever imagined but, I love being with them, learning, and growing from and with them.