Friday, December 10, 2010

Exploring the Great Outdoors

If you know me, you know I love to hike.
I love to be outdoors, exploring, doing something active and new.
As long as the weather is on my side. :)
We took advantage of every moment we could before the weather turned too cold and snow settled in the mountains.
These are the bigger hikes we took.
We tried a few other places but did not have pictures with them.
The day before school started we went up the Alpine Loop and explored a trail as a family I had found. It's always more fun when Daddy gets to come along too.

Heather, the kids and I drove up AF Canyon to Forest City to see the little graveyard and explore some trails there. It was a perfect day. I just remembered, it had been 1 week since Hayden had sprained his ankle. He was wanting to do so much on his own but I would still carry him a bit. This would be our last trip up the mountain before the snow came... except for the very last time a few weeks back, as a family we drove over to Midway. We hit a huge patch of snow and took a lot to get up over that part. But, the rest was clear.

I have to say that Dry Creek is definitely my favorite of the hikes we did.
The colors were amazing and the diversity of the trails were fun too.
I have to go back without kids next Summer to hike up to the big meadows and falls I heard about.
Something to look forward to.
Did you notice the big longhorn in the picture?
Alyssa found this cool piece of wood and hiked down with it.
Part way down she needed to rest and called it her rocking chair.
Pretty creative for sure. She said it was comfortable too.
She was a little sad when I told her we could not bring it with.
Such a pretty place.
We had a lot of fun that day.
It snowed only a few weeks later.
Love the beauty of the outdoors.

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I am a SAHM with my three wonderful children. It's really a lot harder than I ever imagined but, I love being with them, learning, and growing from and with them.