Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Welcome Spring!

Friday was the first day of Spring.
Along with that comes new buds of bloom and new song filled feathered friends and
little creatures coming out of hibernation.
I am happy to be where I am right now. I know many others of you are not having a very good start of spring with the feet of snow being dumped on you still.
I hope warmer days are just around the corner.

These just make me feel happy! They are bright and beautiful.

I absolutely love this time of year when everything starts to bloom.The temperatures have been wonderful.The entire feeling is so inviting to be outside and enjoy the outdoors. I always wish the flowers would last just a little bit longer.


Hollie Hanson said...

WOW! So gorgeous. I just see a gazillion photo opps there! I wish it looked like that here :( sniff

Melanie said...

That is SO beautiful! I can't wait for that weather!! ENJOY!pardan

r.l.secor said...

Beautiful pictures! They are perfect with that background! Hayden I want to kiss you - you silly goose! A trailer? Then uncle Matt would have a place for his smoker!

Prometheus said...

Oh my goodness! These pictures are gorgeous!!!!! I am completely home sick because of them!:). I am glad that you guys are enjoy spring! It is one of my favorite times of the year. I love the flowers! ~ Erica ~

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I am a SAHM with my three wonderful children. It's really a lot harder than I ever imagined but, I love being with them, learning, and growing from and with them.