Thursday, December 25, 2008

Keeping Us On Our Toes

The kids decorating their Christmas tree
Brandon did the wreaths and the ribbon.
Waiting in Urgent Care Christmas eve.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
It has been very eventful around her lately. We have many stories to share with you, but these are not all...
There will be more to come later.
The Computer
Sometime this last week, as Hayden was throwing one of his "I am way too tired" tantrums;
A toy was thrown at our i mac (computer) and hit the screen. The outcome was colorful lines through the screen and just blue in the background.
So, completely useless.
If you know anything about the imac, it is the entire computer all in the screen, there is not a separate tower. I am still trying to be hopeful that there is a fix for this in the near future...
Thankfully, Justin has his laptop. We have had some fun Christmas parties and get together's with school, church, work, friends and family. These always help to set the mood for the holidays.
Fun Times Together
Christmas Eve came quickly for us.
It was a very busy day in a different way then planned.
The day was going very well and I was right on schedule with our events with the kids.
In the morning we did some light straightening and were ready and dressed for the day quickly.
We went downstairs to decorate the little tiny tree for the kids,
I had been promising to do this before Christmas.
I supplied the decor and they did the decorating. It was really fun to watch them do their own tree and see the outcome. They really enjoyed it.
Next on the plan was to clean up the decor boxes and gather the kids together and sing songs and dance around the tree. We were then going to take naps for some and others were going to help make goodies for friends and neighbors.
Well...... It didn't go that far. It ended at putting away the Tupperware in the storage.
Head injuries = Urgent Care
Hayden went upstairs and left the door at the top open
(which is a big no, no when the dog is not in his kennel or outside).
I was in the storage room with Brandon. He had climbed under the highchair to get to the baby swing where skittles (our cat) was sleeping.
A few seconds later Myka was down there and in skittles face. Now, Myka loves to play with the cats but the play is not returned too well.
Brandon felt that if he laid on top of skittles he could protect her and calm her down. Of course a cat is not going to see it that way and the claws were out and swatting.
I turned around to escort the trouble back upstairs and Brandon was crying. I climbed through the baby things to see his head on skittles with her claws still out on top of his head.
His entire back of his head was covered in blood!
I found a few little marks just from claws but the big cut we are not sure of.
It could have come from throwing his head back onto the high chair or a claw.
(The Dr. thinks the highchair)
Justin was working so that left us without a car...
My most wonderful friend and neighbor was able to let me use her husbands car so I could take him into urgent care. Thank you SOOO much for your kindness and help!! I am very grateful to her. The Dr. was first going to put a staple in it, then decided the easier and safer route would be to just use glue.
A Fever and....
Just before leaving to go get Brandon to the Dr. , Hayden woke up from his nap and was whining and crying and would not walk. He just wanted me to hold him. So, I take his temp and it was at 101.6. So I had him checked out too just to make sure there were not infections causing his fever. Thank goodness it was not.
Oh, it does not stop here......
We were about to go into Petco and Target as we were waiting for Brandon's prescription.
Unfortunately we did not make it out of the car yet and Hayden puked all over himself!!
I felt so bad for him. I was not going to take him out at that point and go anywhere. So, we sat and waited for dad to get there for 1 1/2 hours. In the meantime he threw up a second time.
Now, normally I would just take it as it goes and not worry about the mess until later, but, it was not our car!!! Oh, thank goodness for leather seats at least! I was glad he fell asleep quickly after that so he wasn't uncomfortable any more.
Yes, very eventful, I would rather take uneventful over this. But, it will be a Christmas Eve to remember for sure.
Brandon is doing well and hopefully healing quickly from his bazare cut to his head.
And for the rest of us... Let's hope the sickness is gone away quickly and is not shared with all.
(I have lots of pictures I would like to share, But I am using Justin's laptop so I am not sure yet how to get them here... so hopefully soon.)

Friday, December 12, 2008

Glasses and The Tooth fairy

Brandon has had some big changes over the last few weeks.
He has to start wearing glasses.
He has been so excited about it. We can not keep them off! He is only supposed to wear them to read. Well, that's not happening. He wants to wear them all of the time! At least he doesn't hate them. Any advice in helping him to only wear them when he is supposed to? I can't do anything when he is at school.
Next, he lost another tooth. 
This was not just another tooth falling out. It was was a very sad moment for him.
I admit I was a little sad too. 
Here's the story....
I kept urging him to let me pull it or that he needs to do it or he may lose it somewhere.
Well, one night we were eating ice-cream cones. He did not have just one cone but two. 
He went into the bathroom when he was done and began to cry, "Where is it? Where is it?" He walked out with this hole in the front and the tooth was gone. Swallowed without realizing it.
His mouth was so cold and numb from the ice-cream he didn't know it.
The funny part was to come...
He told us to get it out. We explained we couldn't. Then he cried because the tooth-fairy couldn't come and get it. He told us that she would have to go into his tummy to get it. But where would she put the money? The next day he came running out of the bathroom, after doing his thing and told me I had to go see if his tooth was in the toilet! Agh! yuck! No way! I had to convince him it was gone and to let it go. Poor kid! So I hope it was a lesson learned about listening to your parents. Maybe next time he won't wait to pull it.
A good thing is, he can whistle now that he has that hole in front and is so excited about that!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Myka turns 1

As we were told... Myka was born on Thanksgiving last year which would have been Nov. 22. I actually did not think about it til now, but, we were telling our kids his birthday was on Thanksgiving forgetting the fact that it is not on the same date every year. So Happy Birthday Myka. 
These are a few pictures  from our first dusting of snow. He loved diving onto it, pouncing and trying to eat it. Can't wait for some real snowfalls. He will be fun to watch.

Be grateful

We really missed all of our family this year for Thanksgiving. It gives you a different perspective on things when you are pulled out of your norm. and experience something in a different way.
We were together with our own family though, and some wonderful friends.
I was thinking how Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on all that we have and to be full of gratitude and share our love and time with our families and friends. Then following close behind is a time to to be thoughtful of others and give and share with Christmas. 
I love how these holidays can bring much inside warmth amongst the bitter cold the weather brings us. 
 I am so grateful for all that I have. I am so blessed even when I feel that my world may be falling down all around me. I have so much. I know I may have more than some others with all of the worldly possessions they could ever dream of but lack other things. 
Just to list a few.... 
My most wonderful and loving Husband whom I love more than my words can say. My 3 wonderful children. The knowledge I have to know that we will be together forever. 
The beauty of nature all around us. The warmth of our home when coming from the cold outside. Friends, family and leaders and teachers who have touched my life and my family. 
All that I have in material things along with the gospel and truthfulness I know to lead me along. To know that there is a plan set for me, to have guidance along the way. I know, I must also do my part. 
I liked this scripture and wanted to share it..... 
And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more. 

What we believe

About Me

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I am a SAHM with my three wonderful children. It's really a lot harder than I ever imagined but, I love being with them, learning, and growing from and with them.