I kind of wish I could relive this day with him.
It was still special and it's not about all of the other things that happened.
I was just sick for the entire week up to this day. I did everything last minute because of this.
I was exhausted and had not had enough sleep.
So that is why the day is all kind of a blur to me.
But, I do have wonderful memories of the important parts.
Brandon was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
It was wonderful to have so many friends and family members close to attend. The only ones not able to be here for living too far away were Becca, Matt & girls and Kelsey, Laura & family.
It's different being in Utah, because there are so many 7 year old children turning 8 this year,
(22 with just the boys)
We shared this day with two other wonderful families.
That is the picture of them on the bottom middle.
We split the program up between the 3 families,
which was hard but tried not to think about it much.
All of our family and a few friends came over afterwards for lunch and it was beautiful outside so it was great to have the kids be able to go outside and play together.
We gave Brandon a memory book so he can remember this important day better.
He started writing in it that night and every day after.
One page he wrote:
"Dere Journal
today was a speshol, speshol day. I got Baptisd today and I am so hapy today.
I will never ever forget this day never ever. I love my famley and my pet's. I'm so happy that I have a family."
I admit I cried a little the first time I read this seeing that he wrote
down that he loves his family.
I love to hear and read the feelings of children. I know they don't always come out, especially for boys, but at a special time like this I know it helps to push it out a little more.
On other pages he talked about what happened and how he was a little scared just for a bit.
I am proud of the good choices you make Brandon and the
choice to follow our Saviors example and be baptized.
We love you so much and I know Heavenly father loves you too!