2009 was a busy year with a lot going on and bunch of change. It was really hard year, but it was also a really good year despite all of the hardships. There was so much that happened and I did not record a lot of it anywhere but would like to remember.
- Move #1. We put around 80% of our belongings in storage when we moved to a small condo in between finding a different house to live in.
- Our Husky, Myka had to go to a new home. We still miss him so much!
- Made lots of new friends.
- Brandon turned 7
- We played outside a lot, in the snow and at the dam.
- Had to switch the kids to the new school in our boundaries.
- Enjoyed lots of fun time with friends
- had a fun visit with the Secors
- soaked up all of the wonderful spring weather outside
- Went to Nebraska for Grandma Fosters Funeral
- Alyssa and Brandon played on soccer teams
- Enjoyed lots of more great weather and spring colors.
- Easter
- Lisa went to Utah for Women's Conference and Dad's 70Th birthday. Our whole family was together and it was wonderful!
- Move #2. We moved out of the condo and our storage unit back into a house.
- The pool opens and we swim, a lot.
- Alyssa was invited back to her old school for the end of the year graduation.
- Lots of fun fishing days
- Lots of fun swimming days
- Brandon goes to his fun Summer school classes
- Lisa gets called as the Young Women's President
- 4Th of July at the Secors
- More swimming
- Heather came to visit
- Alyssa turns 5, Secors come for Alyssa's bday.
- still swam a bunch
- School starts
- Alyssa goes to preschool as a peer role model
- Brandon is in 2nd grade
- Enjoyed lots of outdoor time, bike rides, time with friends etc.
- Hayden turned 4
- Trip to St. Louis to the Secors
- Justin has surgery for his appendix to be taken out
- Justin's Birthday
- Lots of fun school activities
- cooler weather
- our last time to go swimming
- Halloween at the Secors for Becca's birthday
- Lisa's birthday
- make decisions to move
- pack again
- Move #3- to Utah
- All of the Finley family is together again after 3 years.
- Thanksgiving with the Finley's and the Hastings
- Lots and lots of family time
- settling into the new house
- Christmas
Hayden: Loves boats, trucks, motorcycles anything that moves. His best bud Tre got him hooked on diggers. Loves playing with Brandon's toys and riding his bike while he is in school. Conqured his fear of the water from his accident last year. Is a natural at fishing. Loves everything his dad does. Very inquisitive and takes care of others. very busy. Will bring my a live spider by it's leg when he finds one.
Alyssa: Is so little girly. She loves princesses, barbies, ponies, littlest petshop, dressing up etc... loves to play with others. She also loves to play with bugs including, worms, caterpillars, rolly pollys & is not afraid to get dirty in her pretty little clothes. She is so full of energy and generally happy.
Brandon: Enjoys going to school. Is kind of shy but will play with anyone. Is not judgemental. Is a great reader, does really good in math. He enjoys his time with dad. Loves to fish. Would swim everyday if we let him.
Justin: Going to school. Working full time. Enjoyed working with the youth at work, going on camp outs, canoeing, rock climbing, bike rides along with other things. It wasn't all fun, after all they are teenagers and there were many challenges, but I think he even enjoyed those.
Taught our kids how to fish. Enjoyed any nice weather on his motorcycle.
Lisa: lots of packing and unpacking :). Trying to come up with fun things to do with the kids to keep them active and happy. Enjoyed a lot of birdwatching and animal watching with the kids; especially in the spring when the fawns came to our back yard. Looked forward to seeing the sweet baby we watched everyday. (Alyssa & Hayden loved her too) Stayed busy with her calling in YW's. Loved the time being the 1st counselor at the start of the year and YW President in the middle and to have hopefully helped those girls to become better people.
We have had so many changes the past year.
The biggest is all of the moving we did & job change.
We lived in 4 houses last year! And we are not even in the military! haha. Justin is so strong and is working hard to get through school and work at the same time. We know it will be worth it in the end. We already have some exciting things happening this year and I am thankful for all that we have had come to us. It has only made us better within.
Here's to another great fun filled year!