Sunday, December 7, 2008

Be grateful

We really missed all of our family this year for Thanksgiving. It gives you a different perspective on things when you are pulled out of your norm. and experience something in a different way.
We were together with our own family though, and some wonderful friends.
I was thinking how Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on all that we have and to be full of gratitude and share our love and time with our families and friends. Then following close behind is a time to to be thoughtful of others and give and share with Christmas. 
I love how these holidays can bring much inside warmth amongst the bitter cold the weather brings us. 
 I am so grateful for all that I have. I am so blessed even when I feel that my world may be falling down all around me. I have so much. I know I may have more than some others with all of the worldly possessions they could ever dream of but lack other things. 
Just to list a few.... 
My most wonderful and loving Husband whom I love more than my words can say. My 3 wonderful children. The knowledge I have to know that we will be together forever. 
The beauty of nature all around us. The warmth of our home when coming from the cold outside. Friends, family and leaders and teachers who have touched my life and my family. 
All that I have in material things along with the gospel and truthfulness I know to lead me along. To know that there is a plan set for me, to have guidance along the way. I know, I must also do my part. 
I liked this scripture and wanted to share it..... 
And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more. 

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I am a SAHM with my three wonderful children. It's really a lot harder than I ever imagined but, I love being with them, learning, and growing from and with them.