Thursday, September 18, 2008


This past weekend I was able to attend  the TOFW (Time out For Women). Thank you Becca for helping to work it out to go. I love my sister and she is so amazing and she 
does so much for me! 
It was a wonderful few days. Having great uplifting moments is something everyone needs from time to time to help them remember things they have forgotten or have taken for granted. I feel like I have had some voids in my life lately and have really needed something to give me a lift to help to get me back in the swing of things. It was wonderful to have the moments of laughing so hard to going to crying because of a special 
spirit that was brought by certain words and music. 
Here are the presenters from the weekend....
These are all amazing people who have wonderful life stories and experiences that help them to touch the lives of others through either their music or just their words. 
The theme was "Joyful Life" 
We can't just have a joyful life, we really have to work at it and it has moments of good and bad and we have to take those moments and learn from them so we can grow and keep doing better.
There was so much that touched me in the words and music, but a few things I was just thinking of were this...
"Stop and Listen" Hillary Weeks talked about really listening to our children. We get so busy and are so bossy to them sometimes and always tell them to wait, or just another minute.
We need to be more mindful of those moments. 
Another note I took was from Michael Mclean.  
"If you saw a mother treating her daughter the way you treat yourself, how would you feel?"
That was pretty powerful. At least to me. Isn't it so true that we as individuals are way too hard on ourselves? We really judge ourselves much harsher than anyone else does. At least, I am saying in general because maybe there are some that don't. I admit I do though. So this was a good lesson for me to stop and think a little more.
I said this in a past post not too long ago, but I love music! I love good music that can touch your life and the good words that help to lift you up and maybe sometimes teach you something, or to just feel really good and clear your head. It was so wonderful to have the music be a huge part of this event. 
It was so good to be reminded of God's love for us and that it is always there no matter what. He loves each and every one of his children on this earth. 
On Saturday, one part of the program, Hilary Weeks named off some submitted names of women who live a joyful life. After the list of names she read a few letters that had been asked to be submitted weeks before the event about someone in that person's life who lives a joyful life. I want you to meet my friend Jill.
One of the girls with us submitted an essay about her and it was read in front of everyone and it was beautiful. 
Jill moved here only months before we did from Utah also. We ended up a street over from one another. I am so glad that we have been able to get to know each other and be friends and serve in Young Womens together. She is such an example to me in all that she does and really deserved to be recognized for the life she lives 
and who she is striving to become.
There are really some amazing people out here and it is so good to 
be surrounded by all of them. 
There was so much more that I brought home than just these few things, but, I am just not always so good with the right words especially when I didn't take notes on the best things because I was just listening and soaking it all in.
My absolutely most wonderful Husband took off Friday 
to be with the kids so I could attend. 
The few days were so good with the friends, my sister, the temple, yummy food at the cheesecake factory and even the few short moments I got to see my cute little nieces. It was a good little getaway much needed!

Me, Jill, Bobbi, Lana, Nancy and Bev

(Thanks for pictures Jill and Bobbi! from who I took them from.

 I don't have a camera at the moment!)


Jill said...

Thanks for your kind words. It was a fabulous weekend!!!!! I loved every second of it. I hope we can do it again SOON!!

Shelly said...

I have been meaning to tell you THANK YOU for your email about Henry. It really meant a lot and I appreciate it more than you'll ever know! I checked out Jill's blog and you're right she's amazing. I find it inspirational to read how others deal with difficult circumstances. Also, your weekend at TOFW sounds awesome! Kim Nelson is in our stake presidency, he's a great speaker!

What we believe

About Me

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I am a SAHM with my three wonderful children. It's really a lot harder than I ever imagined but, I love being with them, learning, and growing from and with them.